There's Something You Need To Know About Me...




1. Authentic Leadership: Lead with genuine authenticity and integrity, fostering trust and respect in all interactions.

2. Courage: Support bold, strategic actions, embracing calculated risks for excellence and best practices.

3. Making a Difference: Create lasting, positive changes for clients through the three pillars of the top 1% leaders, with empowering support.

4. Values Driven: Uphold ethics, morals and values, ensuring transparency, integrity, and honesty in all interactions.

5. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Embracing growth and using proven, data-driven methods to solve challenges and complex problems that drive you to improve and excel.



There's More...



I'm on a mission to empower female professionals to become the top 1% of leaders through the world's premier leadership program, The Confident Leader Blueprint, and its personalized, unparalleled support.


I aim to coach 10,000 leaders with The Confident Leader Blueprint to create a ripple effect. People are helped to be catalysts for change so they perform at their best, design and live their best lives, and elevate their leadership. Then, they create more of top 1% of leaders. Then, no one has to endure a toxic leader again.


This proven, data-driven, simple process ensures long-term success and a positive impact on your life, leadership, and results and impacts those who rely on leaders to be their best.


This drives my decisions and actions daily.


Here's a bit about me...


I know we just met...


This means you have no idea if I am another 'fly-by-night coach and consultant" or 'just another legally trained so-called mediator.'


So let's introduce ourselves, shall we? 


I'll go first with my professional story...


I've had a diverse and varied career, including as a Medical Specialist Practice Manager for 15 years before entering law [attended brain, plastic surgery, eye surgeries and a C-section].


I've been a lawyer since 2010, a Barrister since 2012, a Mediator since 2014, attended Harvard in 2019, and a Leadership Coach and Consultant since 2020.


I have been personally certified as a high-performance coach by Brendon Burchard—the World's #1 High-Performance Coach and Consultant. 


I'm a certified emotional intelligence and a Dare To Lead (Brene Brown) coach and consultant. 


I know my stuff and how to help YOU get results. 


I'm known as a "direct" coach/mediator, not a fluff coach/mediator. This means that I will challenge and support you (in equal measures) so that you can do what's right and sustainable for you, not just what's popular right now.


I have been awarded as one of Australia's top 1% High-Performance Coaches.  


I want to help AMBITIOUS female professionals who strive to be their best create their most fulfilling and rewarding leadership and lives without being overwhelmed or sacrificing what matters most. 

I intertwine practical mindset, emotional intelligence and high-performance habits with proven step-by-step strategies, systems and approaches to building a top 1% leadership and life...because you can't improve one without these three other pillars.


My ultimate goal is to help you achieve unparalleled leadership and personal and conflict resolution success, avoid burnout and overwhelm, and create a life, leadership, and legacy you're proud of and love through the Confident Leader Blueprint. 

I had a rocky start to life.

In my early years and into my early 30s, I struggled with high-functioning major depression, dropped out of high school, survived two suicide attempts, and lacked confidence and self-worth, trying to manage my unhealed traumas.

 I didn't learn confidence and self-worth from my upbringing.

I had all the stats against me. 

But I made a choice.

- I didn't know who I was at my best

- I didn't know what I wanted

- I didn't know what was possible for me. 

What I did know was that I wasn't going to settle for the suffering and pain I was in.

It wasn't easy. 

In my early 30s I had to raise my hand and ask for help. I didn't want to waste another 15 years of my life suffering, continue reading books, and try to make changes on my own, only to have nothing change.

I have experienced many ups and downs, dealt with a breast cancer diagnosis in 2014, took a year away from my career, spent well over $150k on personal and professional development and tested and learned many personal development methods. 

And now...

I am a barrister-mediator (who only accepts mediation briefs), leadership coach, and consultant running a global business.

I've travelled the world, have an amazing twin sister, and lived in New Mexico, U.S.A., an advanced trained scuba diver, and I'm so grateful for the life and leadership I've created and the services I provide in my global business that my younger self wouldn't have believed were possible.

Many people would look at my life and call it a journey of transformation...

It's been a learning, development, transformation, liberation and mastery journey! 

Of breaking through every obstacle, bad habit, bad choice, limiting belief, unhealthy thought pattern and limiting belief, unmanaged emotion (major fears), and fixed and problem-focused mindset, bad relationships that threatened to keep me trapped in a painful life (and leadership), I didn't want. 

That is why I help female professionals do the same:

 - Learn

- Develop

- Transform

- Liberate

- Master leadership and living your best life 

Yes, through The Confident Leader Blueprint, I'll show you how to become a top 1% leader, living your best life without being overwhelmed or sacrificing what matters most in everything you do (including resolving conflict).

It's not ONLY about your career.

It's about YOUR life, in all areas, that you're capable of living and leading at a higher level.  

I want to be the person who helps you get there, even though you may think it's impossible right now! (It's not, and I can show you how)

 Now its your turn..


Louise challenged me to step outside my comfort zone, take risks and try new things. She helped me build my self-confidence. 

 Now I set clear boundaries and communicate my needs clearly and respectfully. 

Working with Louise has helped me overcome my fears and doubts and given me the confidence to achieve my goals. 

I recommend working with Louise; it's a positive, transformative experience. 

Louise is an ethical, compassionate professional who will help you achieve your best...


 C.T. - Tribunal Member


I am now aware of the entrenched thought patterns that were holding me back, and I've been given the tools and strategies for big changes.  


I no longer feel like I'm drowning in overwhelm because I have set an intention to challenge my thoughts and perfectionism.  I know transformation takes time, and I'm committed to making long-term changes.


I have made positive progress with the accountability and guidance I received from Louise. 


B. H. - Director 

The habits and tools Louise provided me to increase my productivity, change my perspective and boldly engage in difficult conversations have catapulted me to reach my full potential, living life with reduced stress, increased happiness and better results, personally and professionally. 


I highly recommend that you work with Louise to help you reach your goals and achieve extraordinary results in all aspects of your life.


M.L. - Accountant | Workplace Trainer | Leader