The Amazing Race + Conflict Resolution Have A Lot In Common!
I recently participated in an Amazing Race (with friends) as part of team "Black Sheep" with my twin sister.
I found that participating in the race and resolving conflicts have a lot in common.
In The Amazing Race, one of the only first-timers doing the race:
👵🏻 We were the oldest team
🏃🏼♀️➡️ I am not a runner (my sister has been a triathlete, 1/2 Iron Man participant, marathon runner, and still a BIG cyclist) -NOT me - I was her ball and chain. 😅
🅿️ Couldn't get parking in one carpark (it was full) as per race instructions, so we could do a challenge (found on-street parking that eventually saved us time)
📍We missed a turn (we didn't know the area) and lost time and place in the game.
🗣️ We communicated and agreed on strategy in each challenge as a team.
In Conflict Resolution, those who 'win' try these to nail the basics that equally apply to being in The Amazing Race:
🙉 They don't dwell on self-doubt, not feeling good enough (fit enough), or needing to prove themselves, regardless of age or experience. Instead, they embrace learning and enjoyment.
💡 Flexibility and quick adaptation to challenges are vital to thriving, as rigid thinking leads to failure. Being open to new approaches fosters innovative solutions.
🗣️ They avoid overwhelming others with information. Instead, they listen actively and articulate their thoughts clearly to ensure mutual understanding before tackling the real challenges.
Most people mess these up.
They make it all about me, me and me again.
It doesn't work, drags you down, and you don't have fun.
Conflict Resolution and The Amazing Race have a lot in common.
Next time you resolve conflict, channel your inner Amazing Racer and see how these strategies can help you achieve more than you could imagine.
BTW...The Black Sheep came 5th out of 16 teams (the first finishing all-female team in the race)🎉
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