This is what everyone has told you:


- Always prioritize work over everything else to reach success

- Suppress your emotions, especially in professional settings

- Never admit failure; always project success

- Ignore criticism and feedback; haters gonna hate

- Sacrifice rest to maximize productivity

- Success at any cost; the ends justify the means.

- Never say no; always seize every opportunity.

- Money equals success; pursue wealth at all costs

- Never show vulnerability; it's a sign of weakness

- Success requires constant hustle and grind

- Your worth is determined by external validation and achievements.


What nobody told you:


- The higher you climb up the ladder, the less 'in the know' you are on whats happening in the organization and the more people are inclined to give you a version of the truth.


- 83% of employees are willing to earn less if it means a happier work environment - they would forgo as much as 11% of their salary to work under leaders that demonstrated high emotional intelligence.


- A company that prioritizes emotional intelligence is 22x more likely to perform higher than companies that do not.


Here's the new playbook for trusted, high-performing leaders:


-stand up and step outside of what feels comfortable and 'usual'

- recognise and understand your thoughts, emotions and drives as well as their effect on others

- learn how to be aware of and control or redirect disruptive impulses, moods and actions

- suspend judgement and be curious - learn, adapt and grow

- have a passion for work that goes beyond money or status

- understand the emotional makeup of others

- treat others according to their needs

- proficiency in managing relationships (firstly the relationship with yourself)

- find common ground and build rapport

- effective in leading change

- expertise in building and leading teams

- influential

- optimism in the face of failure.


It's amazing how much of 'being better" begins with YOUR approach and how you show up as the best version of emotionally intelligent you.


No more playing defence.

Time to play offence.





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