Women are now more ambitious to be in senior leadership roles than ever. 

If that sounds like you...

The biggest mistake is you THINKING your success at the top level, it is based on you having to:

- sacrifice your relationships, personal life, time and wellbeing
- accept overwhelm and high stress as par for the course
- work harder than anyone else

The secret is.

Follow other successful leaders in the top 1% ...success leaves clues. 

I don't mean just ME 😁 or any other mentor (even though I've gone from high school dropout to Barrister (lawyer), Mediator (Harvard), Leadership Coach and Consultant)...

It's tapping into the knowledge, skills, and habits that the top 1% leaders use and surrounding yourself with other successful women on the same mission as you...

So you don't feel like you're the only one trying to succeed at the next level, facing and overcoming often the same hurdles and trying to figure it out on your own. 

That's why I recently created The Confident Leader Circle Facebook private group, which is in its early growth stage.

It provides training, and ultimately, I aim to support (with the community) ambitious female professionals tackling significant leadership and life challenges like: 
⭐️ work-life balance
⭐️ mindset
⭐️ communication (hard conversations - influence)
⭐️perfectionism and 
⭐️conflict resolution, to name a few, aims to achieve top 1% leadership without overwhelm or sacrificing what matters most.

The best part: It's all completely free.✅

 If you want to join and get in on the regular training and join a brand new community, click HERE.

See you inside!



P.S. Next week is a 60-minute event: How To Become A Top 1% Leader

PPS The group is only for ambitious female professionals who want to become top 1% of leaders in their profession and want to solve real-life leadership hurdles and obstacles with real-life experience and proven expertise. 

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