Everyone talks about leaders conveying messages or being influential communicators when resolving conflict and leading teams and organisations.


So, the question is: how do you start building genuine connections and grow your influence as a leader?


Here’s how to start:


1.    LEAD BY EXAMPLE: Actions speak louder than words. Demonstrate the behaviours and values you wish to instil in others. Let your behaviours be the standard for others to follow, whether honesty, interest and care for others

2.   CULTURE A CULTURE OF COLLABORATION: Where every person is seen and every voice is valued and heard. Encourage teamwork, diversity of thought, and open, honest, and direct communication. When team members feel empowered and safe to contribute, connections deepen.

3.   RECOGNISE AND CELEBRATE SMALL EFFORTS AND 'WINS: Acknowledge, appreciate, and celebrate even the small efforts of your team members, regardless of outcomes outside of your or their control. Whether big or small, recognition fosters a sense of belonging - this is where connection grows.

4.    EMBRACE VULNERABILITY: Authentic leaders are vulnerable. They are willing to admit their mistakes, share their challenges, and seek ideas and views from others. Vulnerability fosters trust - trust fosters connection.

5.    LEAD WITH HUMAN SKILLS AND COURAGE: Above all, high-performing leaders influence people on a human level. They lead with empathy, values, and courage. They prioritise others' success and happiness as well as their own. When you lead with human skills and courage, your influence increases exponentially


Now, you have a roadmap for meaningful connections and greater influence, which can help you positively impact leadership, life, and conflict resolution.


High-performing leaders who positively influence others have less ego, don't feel they have to know it all, don't stay stuck in fear-driven behaviour and decision-making and are people-focused.


If your current leadership and conflict resolution skills or style aren’t supporting you (or worse yet) are bringing you (and others) down, and you're not influencing the way you would like…start building something that matters to you, your team, your business, your family, and your counterparts.


Not someone else’s.



#highperformance #emotionalintelligence #leaders

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