It Doesn't Work!

I have witnessed and participated in unsuccessful mediations.

Here are some factors that may have come into play:

❌ Individuals rely on their legal position paper as the primary method to persuade the other party.

❌ Individuals with high conflict tendencies were allowed to create chaos.

❌ The mediator appeared biased towards the party they were more aligned with, trying to please them instead of remaining neutral.

❌ Parties allow their emotions or ego to dictate how they 'show up' and communicate.

❌ Doing the same thing on rinse and repeat.

❌ Mediators use a hierarchical leadership style that relies on exerting power over others by evaluating the substance of the dispute and relaying their opinions or predictions as fact instead of offering a preliminary view or evaluating "positions" by questions and, in the process, pressuring parties to resolve by fixed or untested opinions.

And if we think everything at mediation is out of our control, then we don't analyse what works and doesn't.

I have looked at alternative reasons why the above might be happening.

Here's what I came up with:

I decided to discard some of the traditional practices that have proven ineffective and outdated in resolving conflicts, even if they have been used for decades. Instead, I developed my unique, updated solutions, using what works from the traditional mediation methods, and included human skills and EQ to guide the right people from conflict to conflict resolution. I focus on creating a positive process that avoids focusing on potholes to help parties perform at their best, leading to more satisfying outcomes for everyone involved.


This unique solution has assisted lawyers and barrister resolve conflicts at mediation and improve their overall experience, enabling them to enhance their skills, outcomes and reputation.

The success was due to my adoption of a new proven strategy. My personal experiences, education from Harvard, and coaching and consulting in high performance, emotional intelligence, and leadership informed the updated, unique approach.

Risky? Has it paid off? YES!

Let me break it down for you too!

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