Ever Wondered Why Things Go Off The Rails When Resolving Conflict?

If you do?

You'll know the importance of human skills in conflict resolution's success (and enjoyment).

That is what most people miss.

It's not too difficult to start: 

⭐️ Don't think of counterparts as the 'enemy': think of them as a team member I am working with today to solve our shared problem - say hello, shake hands, and smile to begin your interactions. 
⭐️ Don't focus only on getting your point across and what you want; try to understand the other person's perspective and emotions by putting yourself in their shoes. 
⭐️Don't be busy formulating your counterarguments; listen to what the other person is saying without interrupting, showing interest in what they say, especially when you disagree. 

Do this well; it will set you apart from others clamouring for attention in the fray. 

But you have to prepare (outside of issues and legalities) for the conflict resolution event.

The first thing you must prepare is YOU, the one thing you can control, so you are not the one who makes others feel unseen and unheard and that what they say doesn't matter. 

Here is a simple checklist to help you start to prepare YOU;
- what are my thoughts and beliefs about people, yourself, my goals
- what are my emotions (are they working for me or against me?)
- what stories do I tell myself about the other person?
- what have I assumed (can it be verified)?
- what is the best version of me that I will show up as (who is my best self?)

The people who do this increase the likelihood of having a more successful and enjoyable conflict resolution event by 90%.

These people aren't more intelligent than you; they have more confidence and self-belief and don't care what others think about them being the first to do things differently.

Learn to master these and watch your results, skills, satisfaction, and enjoyment grow exponentially. 

You can get started in your next mediation or workplace conflict - why not?

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