Its Time To STOP Being The Expert On The Sidelines....

....hurls judgment, advice, criticism and blame and rarely takes courageous action.

Let's talk about taking action.

It's easy to get caught up in a cycle of inaction and negativity, creating workplaces that benefit leaders and others who are 'like them' [based on fear]

- Comparison: be like everyone else but better

- Cultures based on hierarchies and wielding power over others

- Exhaustion is rewarded as a status symbol (scarcity mindset)

- Leaders use fear and uncertainty to drive productivity (fear)

- Care for and connection with others are NOT seen as requirements for effective leadership (diminish human skills)

What happens is that leaders continue to read about and consume BIG ideas from 'thought leaders' (blogs, articles, events, podcasts, etc.), and then they share their 'expertise', but they never take action to make BIG ideas a reality for themselves or others.

They consume information on the sidelines but don't get in the game to test out BiG ideas and determine what will give them the edge to attract and retain top talent.

Businesses and professions are filled with so-called 'leaders' and 'experts' whose ideas and opinions crumble under the scrutiny of 'practice what you preach'.

❌A little less time sitting on the sidelines of inactivity and comfort, leading a life and business you don't want.

✅A lot more time spent on action to create the leadership, culture and business you want that attracts and retains top talent.

What will you choose?

💡If you want to build something meaningful, you must do the uncomfortable stuff!

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