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The most fear-driven, oscillating and avoidant decision-makers are the most unsuccessful.
Think about it:
-Olympians don't second guess their decisions in the crucial moments of competition
- Successful surgeons make quick, decisive decisions daily in the operating room & when things go wrong after surgery.
- Successful pilots trust their training and make confident decisions quickly, especially during emergencies
Because they know that if they don't make quick, confident decisions:
- They'll miss out on winning opportunities that may never come again.
- Their stress levels will skyrocket, adding to their overwhelm.
- Progress, performance and best outcomes will disappear, potentially costing them dearly.
- Valuable resources, including their energy, will be wasted on endless deliberation instead of bold action.
What's the antidote?
⭐️Don't hate yourself for the poor decisions you've made in the past; it will stop you from making confident decisions now.
⭐️Get in the habit of making confident decisions -then you'll be more in command of your leadership and life
⭐️Own your decision regardless of the outcome.
Live and lead without being driven by fear of judgment, criticism, rejection, or worry.
Allowing these fears to dictate your decisions will not improve your confidence in your short- or long-term decision-making.
👉🏻Your default, fears, worries, delaying and avoidant decision-making tactics have been years in the making - they'll continue to keep you stuck
👉🏻 Fall in love with the process of learning, developing, transforming, liberating yourself and mastery
You can learn how to outperform most leaders (anyone can) using this free checklist I wrote.
Join the Confident Leader Circle private Facebook group to access HERE.
See you in the group.
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