Misery Or Mastery?

As we navigate these uncertain times, leaders must clearly envision what they want to achieve authentically if they're going to succeed long term.

Clear goals are essential to resolve conflict through mediation, guiding teams through workplace conflict, or creating courageous cultures which build business success.

And creating a safe and secure work environment for everyone is pivotal to ensuring optimal productivity and ultimate profitability.

Confident, influential leaders know one of the responsibilities of an effective leader is to confront difficult, awkward issues directly, with openness and humanity, which requires them to engage in challenging conversations so they can reach their goals, working authentically together as a team in safety (at mediation or in the workplace).

This is not the time to be fearful and avoid or step back from having hard conversations - communicating with one another (to learn or to surface difficult issues) is needed more than ever.

Slow down, and save yourself the heartache and the misery of going in the wrong direction--- by avoiding hard conversations.

What if it all works out by having hard conversations? What if it turns out better than you expected? Could you entertain that thought?

If it didn't, and your ideas, thoughts, and the issues you raise are dismissed, ignored, or you are victimised, or the person in power retaliates...it's not easy, but what did you learn? What hard decisions may you have to make now, knowing what you do after having that hard conversation? Learning from them is a gift.

Failure occurs when you don't try, not when the results aren't as you hoped.

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