Even LinkedIn Says So....

LinkedIn says, "… Traditional leadership styles are increasingly being seen as outdated. People's collective intelligence and diverse capabilities are far more valuable than the isolated expertise of any one leader. This modern view values inclusivity, diversity, and the power of collective thought."


Want to know why?


People are frustrated, hurt, demotivated, disengaged and harmed by outdated, toxic leadership and conflict-resolution playbooks.


People want an environment where everyone feels valued, and this is a result of trusted leadership.


Trust leaders actively seek others' input to feel seen and heard and believe that what they say matters.


During the last few years, there have been seismic shifts in people, what they want in conflict resolution, and from their leaders and businesses.


Leaders resolve conflict skilfully because:


👉🏻 Others know what they can expect from you, a role model who inspires trust and consistency

👉🏻 You build relationships, a teamwork environment, working towards a common goal

👉🏻You aren't fatalistic and focus only on problems and what is wrong; you lead with higher values and good character, which influences others positively

👉🏻You view conflict as an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve culture, outcomes, and relationships.


You're willing to move out of your comfort zone, which is nothing more than you needing certainty and relying only on your strengths.


Modern leaders realise they can outperform others because they have more mental and emotional energy, are willing to expect more from themselves, have more fun, and get better results with nothing but their new, updated leadership skills, showing up as the best version of themselves.


But LinkedIn is wrong.


Traditional power-over, status-driven, know-it-all leadership is not increasingly seen as outdated.


It is outdated.



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