Gallup estimates that ineffective leadership costs U.S. corporations up to $550 billion annually. 

This staggering figure highlights a critical issue: many people are promoted based on tenure or previous roles, not their ability to lead effectively.

In most workplaces, the qualities rewarded are technical skills, perfectionism, and competitiveness, which don't translate into good leadership.

 Instead, they contribute to environments plagued by workplace bullying, verbal abuse, and intimidation.

A 2016 McKinsey & Company study revealed a significant gap between leaders' self-perceptions and how their employees see them:
- 86% of leaders believed they modelled the improvements they wanted
- 77% believed they inspired action. 

However, a Gallup poll found:
- 82% of leaders and executives are seen as lacking leadership skills by their employees, indicating a prevalent "self-enhancement bias."

But there's a solution. Join my free training on "How to Become a Top 1% Leader." 

 ðŸ“…When: Thursday 4 July 2024
📍Where: The Confident Leader Circle
⏰Time: 9 am - Sydney, Australia

🔥Three attendees will receive a bonus prize totalling $1,000.

Join the Confident Leader Circle HERE before the training begins.

See you inside!



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