
Are you a female professional stuck in a leadership plateau? 

Do you feel like no matter how hard you work, you're not...

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Old Litigation Barrister Louise In 2018:

Exhausted – working long hours
Not what I was doing
Feeling like I was not...

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What's holding you back from sustained, high-level ultra success in all areas of your life?

75% of female executives lack...

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You're Welcome!

What do you think is the #1 emotion that stops us from achieving amazing things?


⁉ Regret; dwelling on past...

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Exclusive Interview With Louise Mathias

We are constantly bombarded with stories of triumph on social media. 

These stories feature individuals who have made...

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Don't Know? 👇🏻

Do you think that working long hours, being solely career-focused, and sacrificing your relationships, well-being, and...

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How To Improve Your Conflict Resolution Skills x 10

You're never too senior, influential, experienced or successful to learn from others and how they view a situation.


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How To Beat The Fear of Change?

What 4 things will help you manage change successfully?


And 1 thing in particular holds the key!



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That Time When He Stopped Talking To Me

I will tell you a story you will want to hear.

I had a meeting with a successful law firm 'leader' recently.

He wanted to...

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The 7 Steps To Effective Pre-Mediations.

Stop trying to resolve conflict on the day (mediation or workplace conflict).

Start solving problems at pre-mediations.


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