What's Your Choice?

You're an ambitious female leader who learned that a productive team leader reports to you, micromanages, and bullies her...

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FREE LIVE: Female Professionals Work Life Balance Is A Myth...Or Is It? Join Details Inside

Feeling energised and in control of your time, life, and leadership gives you what I call a chosen advantage.



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Could You Identify 1, 2, 5, 10 Things That Aren't Giving You Freedom Or Helping You Stand Out From The Crowd?

I recently spoke with a CEO and asked the question, and nothing could be identified.


The truth is that it does...

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The Conflict Resolution Game: Exposed!

To win, you need to understand the 'rules.'

Most lawyers, barristers, leaders, and anyone in business, in conflict,...
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As I come to the end of this year, I want to express gratitude to all of you - the leaders, teams, non-conformists,...

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Unpopular Opinion But...

Here's some powerful advice for those of you looking to others to lead you as you seek their approval to validate you and...

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Here's A Quick Snapshot Of Day 2 (Phase 1) Leadership + Business Consulting

Curious about igniting change and steering toward success?


Day 2 of the consulting journey (Phase 1) ...

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What To Say When Someone Is Holding Back?

Leaders get curious when giving or receiving feedback, sharing bad news, dealing with conflict or engaging in a difficult...

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Standing At The Unwillingness Wall, Huh?
The more you are willing to improve your skills and abilities, the higher your realistic self-worth and confidence grow....
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10 Steps To A Powerful Mindset

Many professionals on LinkedIn and people on social media showcase their successes and achievements, portraying a perfect...

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