Showing up as your best self and preparing yourself, including how you communicate, will unlock breakthroughs in the...
How To Be A Confident Leader:
Old Way:
Rise through the ranks on technicality and start leading (status, title, position,...
In this powerful video, discover how mindset is key to transforming your life, leadership, and mediations.
Are you managing your circumstances, or are they managing you?
Watch this short video to stop doing what's...
Are you a perfectionist?
I ask five questions to help you determine (if you don't already know). And give you the...
If you are familiar with my journey, you know that I strongly believe in going beyond what feels comfortable, what is the...
Leaders and mediators, are you inadvertently rewarding perfectionism, emotional stoicism or destructive behaviour to try...
You are ONE decision away from getting there.
What's Holding You Back?
Fear of criticism, rejection, negative judgment, or...
One in particular - The cookie-cutter approach.
Mediation is often seen as a technical activity, but there is more to it...
Here is the truth about the leaders who inspire you
- They recognise leadership goes far beyond technical skills and IQ